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About us .

" Web3 is a driving force for the creation of a more equitable society, where individuals have greater control over their data, their digital identity and their economic & democratic participation" "
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Blockchain and web3 are tools for societal and economic transformation, and our association is actively working for their responsible adoption. These technologies have the potential to profoundly transform economic, artistic and social sectors, enabling greater inclusion, increased transparency and individual citizen autonomy.

Our commitment is guided by the following principles:

Connaissance & Education

We plan to implement face-to-face workshops, informative webinars and targeted training in schools, universities and other educational institutions . These initiatives will provide students, teachers and other interested parties with opportunities for in-depth learning about emerging technologies and their impact on our society.
We'll also be offering interactive webinars led by experts in the field to go into greater depth on specific topics and allow participants to ask questions in real time.

At the same time, we will be developing comprehensive learning resources, such as online content, videos and course materials, to make learning accessible to everyone, whatever their level of experience or technical skill.

By facilitating access to these educational resourcesWe aim to help individuals gain a thorough understanding of emerging technologies and navigate effectively in this ever-changing ecosystem. Our ultimate goal is to create an informed generation, capable of exploiting the opportunities offered by technology while being aware of the challenges and ethical implications that arise from it. By educating the public on these issues, we hope to contribute to building a responsible, innovative and ethical digital society.

Innovation Responsable

Our commitment to innovation is closely linked to our fundamental belief in promoting responsible practices. We give top priority to the security of users and their data, and strive to raise awareness of the risks associated with these technologies. What's more, we value environmental sustainability and encourage the adoption of eco-responsible solutions to minimize the ecological footprint of these developing technologies.

Finally, we are committed to protect the intellectual property rights of creators and innovators who make valuable contributions to these fields. By fostering an environment that respects everyone's rights, we aim to create a dynamic and ethical ecosystem, where innovation and responsibility coexist harmoniously to create a positive and lasting impact on our society.
We encourage sustainable practices, the protection of personal data and a commitment to high ethical standards. We believe in the need balanced regulations that encourage innovation while protecting stakeholders.

Collaboration & Partenariats

We believe in the power of collaboration between all types of sectors (institutions, universities, companies, professionals, ecosystem players). We encourage strategic partnerships and knowledge exchange to foster the growth of blockchain and Web3, creating mutually beneficial synergies.

Inclusion & Prévention

We believe that the blockchain ecosystem must be open to all regardless of their origin, gender, socio-economic status or level of technical expertise. We strive to create an inclusive environment that encourages diversity and promotes equal opportunities, with an emphasis on popularizing complex subjects.

We actively sensitize our community to the potential risks associated with scams and malicious practices. We provide educational resources and advice on how to identify and avoid common pitfalls such as Ponzi schemes, bogus development projects and fraudulent investments. In addition, we encourage a culture of due diligence and thorough investigation before engaging in any financial interaction or sharing of personal information.

"Harnessing the full potential of web3 and create a positive impact on a national scale while fighting the digital divide "
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Promote research and innovation in the field of blockchain and Web3.
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Raising public awareness of safety and scam prevention.
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Organize events, conferences and meetings
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Provide educational content, webinars, and workshops

We want to create a dynamic space, conducive to learning, sharing and experimentation, for Belgian citizens, organizations, institutions interested in blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFT and Web3 in Wallonia and Brussels .

"Adoption is on the rise in Belgium, and unfortunately so are the risks associated with it..."

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Blockchain and Web3 have the potential to profoundly transform our daily lives


La blockchain offre un niveau élevé de sécurité et d'intégrité des données. Elle améliore la confiance dans les transactions en ligne, que ce soit pour les paiements, les contrats ou autres échanges d'actifs numériques.


La propriété intellectuel et les droits d'auteur peuvent être garantis aux créateurs et aux détenteurs via la technologie des NFT.


Elle founit une solution sécurisée pour la gestion des identités numériques. Les utilisateurs peuvent contrôler l'accès à leurs informations personnelles, ce qui peut renforcer la protection des données et prévenir les abus d'identité.


Le Web3 et la blockchain peuvent faciliter les échanges sécurisés de données entre les objets connectés sans avoir besoin d'une autorité centrale. Cela permettrait aux appareils intelligents de coopérer efficacement et de créer des réseaux d'appareils autonomes.


DeFi pour Finance Décentralisé, permettant à quiconque disposant d'une connexion Internet d'accéder à une gamme croissante de services financiers sans passer par des institutions traditionnelles. Cela peut inclure des prêts, des emprunts, des échanges de cryptomonnaies, etc.


Le Web3 peut permettre aux utilisateurs d'être plus actifs dans les plateformes en ligne, en leur donnant un contrôle accru sur leurs données et leurs interactions. Cela peut encourager une approche plus éthique et équitable des plateformes numériques.

Sources :

What are the reasons for this?



En enseignant aux individus comment gérer leurs finances dans un environnement numérique en rapide évolution, l'éducation et une autonomie financière leur confère un plus grand contrôle sur leur avenir financier.


Des arnaques

L'éducation financière liée à la blockchain prévient l'exclusion des opportunités émergentes et aide à se protéger contre les arnaques numériques.



Cela peut contribuer à renforcer la confiance des citoyens envers les institutions et les entreprises.



La nature décentralisée de la blockchain peut aider à lutter contre le blanchiment d'argent et l'inflation de monnaie fiduciaire.

We address this to ...

Citoyens et Résidents Belges :

Our association aims to raise awareness among citizens and residents in Belgium about emerging technologies such as blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFT and Web3. By explaining these concepts in a clear and accessible way, we want to give everyone a better understanding of the impact of these technologies on their daily lives and the opportunities they can offer.

We attach great importance to preventing scams linked to these technologies . Visit providing reliable information and practical advice We aim to help individuals recognize the warning signs and avoid the potential pitfalls in using these new decentralized financial platforms and services.

Financial education is also an essential component our social mission. We aim to boost the financial literacy of Belgian citizens by explaining the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies, investments and online transactions. Our aim is to empower individuals to make informed, responsible decisions about their personal finances.

At the same time, we are aware of the digital divide affecting certain segments of the population . We are committed to reducing this disparity by offering introductory programs to the web3 and Internet use, especially for the most disadvantaged populations. By promoting digital inclusion we aim to give everyone access to the opportunities offered by new technologies, in a spirit of solidarity and social equity.

Acteurs du secteur associatif et les ONG:

With a focus on responsible innovation and societal mission, our association seeks to establish partnerships with international non-profit organizations (AISBL or ONG ). Together, we aim to promote the ethical use of technology to solve social and environmental problems.

By joining forces, we are creating a global community of like-minded players, working towards a responsible and sustainable digital future. These partnerships enable us to generate a positive impact on a global scale, inspiring and influencing other players and institutions to adopt ethical and inclusive practices in the use of new technologies.

Établissements d'enseignement et de recherche :

Our association looks to schools, universities and research centers in Belgium to raise the interest of students, teachers and researchers in the field of blockchain and Web3. We offer interactive workshops and educational resources tailored to these institutions to deepen their understanding of new technologies.

What's more, we plan to develop training certificates to officially recognize skills acquired in these emerging fields. . These certificates can serve as a benchmark for students and professionals wishing to promote their expertise in blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFT and Web3. Our aim is to contribute to the creation of a clear, structured apprenticeship pathway, fostering the development of skills in demand in the rapidly expanding digital job market.

By increasing knowledge and awareness of these topics, offering stimulating workshops and issuing recognized training certificates, we aspire to play a key role in promoting quality education on emerging technologies. We firmly believe that knowledge and training are essential levers for shaping a responsible and promising digital future for Belgium and beyond.

Médias et les journalistes :

It is essential for our association to communicate our mission and actions through the media, to increase our visibility and that of our initiatives. The media play an essential role in raising awareness among a wider public and highlighting our association's projects and achievements.

By regularly sharing our progress, our projects and our commitment to the responsible and ethical use of emerging technologies, we can generate interest and understanding around these issues. In this way, we aim to inform and mobilize a wide audience about the opportunities and challenges that blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFTs and Web3 can bring to our society.

Thanks to our close collaboration with the media, we are able to spread disseminate our values and actions beyond our own community, reaching a varied and diverse audience. We believe in the positive impact that well-informed media coverage can have on raising public awareness and understanding of issues related to new technologies.

Partenaires potentiels du secteur privé :

Our association is also of interest to private companies and industry players who share our values of responsible innovation and environmental sustainability. We believe that public-private partnerships can be mutually beneficial in developing innovative projects in the field of new technologies. By working together, we can combine our expertise and resources to create innovative and sustainable solutions, while promoting the ethical use of emerging technologies.

Our mission also includes the mass adoption of these new technologies. We aim to facilitate the onboarding and education of new users, making the concepts of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFTs and Web3 accessible to all. By raising awareness among a wide audience and offering user-friendly tools, we aim to encourage active, responsible participation in this constantly evolving ecosystem. By joining forces with partners in the private sector, we can create a significant impact and accelerate the widespread adoption of these technologies for the benefit of society as a whole.